Sunday, January 6, 2013


Hellloooo! We are back in Lilongwe. I'm headed back to work tomorrow morning and Zach's parents will leave us on Thursday. While we were gone snails took over our garden (boo) and the gas situation in Malawi stabilized (yay!) for now.

There are pictures from our travels on my Facebook page. We spent time at a game park in Zambia, in Lusaka, in Victoria Falls, in Bulawayo and in southern Malawi. We swam in Devil's Pool in Zambia (scariest thing I've ever willingly done), rode the dirtiest train in the world to Zimbabwe's second largest city and Zach almost got arrested by a traffic cop in Lusaka. Lots of interesting adventures - in fact, too many to completely capture on the blog. When we get home you'll just have to take us for a beer. In the mean time I'll try to post some of the other pictures that didn't make it to Facebook.

Regularly scheduled blogging to return very soon!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that regular blogging will return soon. I miss dogblogging
