Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Danger: Poop?

Sometimes things are lost in translation. Sometimes not. In this case, the red skull and crossbones got my attention (though, exactly what was the danger was not clear). The Chichewa word that followed, however, was not fear inducing. Behold:

"The floor is wet, poopsya!"
"Don't put your tongue on that icy pole, poopsya!"
"Drunk driving?!?! Poopsya!"
"World War II? Blitzkrieg? The Holocaust? Poopsya, poopsya, POOPSYA!!!!"

#Poopsya... anyone?


  1. Generally a red and white sign with a skull and crossbones is a warning for landmines. Just FYI.

  2. Which might cause ya to poopsyapants.
