Thursday, February 21, 2013

British People.

One thing about living abroad is that you end up getting to know a lot about other cultures. Duh. But not just the culture you live in - you also end up hanging out with expats from other Western countries who have really odd hobbies and pastimes. We spend a fair amount of time with our British and Irish friends and last weekend they invited us to have Pims and play croquet. Pims is, apparently, a type of posh alcohol that is mixed with lemonade and drank by rich people. To me it just tasted like alcohol.

That's Zach's homemade quiche in the foreground, by the way. Anyway, after we drank some liquor out of wine glasses we played croquet. It turns out there's a lot more to it than meets the eye, though I think I'll stick to miniature golf in the future. At any rate, Zach and I were honored to be the only American attendees and enjoyed an afternoon of trying out our fake British accents and being the butt of jokes about gun ownership and mass shootings (which is pretty typical when hanging out with Brits).

So classy right now


  1. Very posh! Now pass me a crumpet, a biscuit and the latest copy of Tatler.

    1. I can't even begin to tell you how many times I said just that. :)
