Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Dog Blogging: The Joy of Water Bottles

 I know we've mentioned a few times that Bay loves to chew on things. He has chewed more than one of my under things, as well as some socks and shoes. We give him bones and chew toys to entertain him but recently he discovered something he likes even more than those: water bottles. We try to minimize the use of disposable water bottles but we still end up with hundreds in the house. Bay has begun hoarding them in his bed, chewing loudly on them and chasing them around the room when he accidentally shoots them out from between his jaws. It's ridiculously loud and we've had to take them away more than once when he decided to enjoy them at 5am. Still, we're trying to let him have this small pleasure.


  1. There's this great pet toy that I discovered recently - you stuff a plastic water bottle inside of it instead of stuffing. It facilitates a sightly softer sound and you don't get bits of plastic everywhere.

  2. Wait... can you describe that again? Stuff a plastic water bottle inside of another plastic water bottle? Or...?

  3. Sorry for my poor description - check it out: http://www.whitedogbone.com/kyjen-dog-toy-water-bottle-buddies-sheep?gdftrk=gdfV25255_a_7c1624_a_7c6390_a_7cKYJ022026&gclid=CI680r7-4bUCFQThQgod4XcAmg
