Friday, November 16, 2012

Election Day in Malawi

 This blog post is pretty late in coming. The excitement of election day is long gone and people are returning to their normal activities and television commercials. Still, I took the pictures for this post so here we go.

Election day in Malawi was actually election morning. We're 7 hours ahead of the East coast so polls didn't even begin to close until 2am. Last election I stayed up all night to watch; this election I have a job so that was out. I happened to have a meeting on Wednesday that required that I leave Lilongwe at 5am. When my phone alarm went off at 4:30 Zach woke up with me and hopped on the computer to find that nothing had yet been called. I told him to let me know when something happened, threw on my Obama sweatshirt, and left the house. The sun was coming up over Lilongwe as I headed out of town (see above).
 This here is my fabulous Obama sweatshirt. And below is how I learned that Obama was given another four years.
Sometime during my meeting Obama gave his victory speech. And that was that. What a relief!

1 comment:

  1. I don't think I've seen a phone screen like that since I was in high school ;P
