Monday, November 19, 2012

Post-Election Post

Two interesting things in Malawi surrounding the US elections. One serious:

The Nation, one of Malawi's large newspapers, had the above headline the day after the election. It was not about one candidate or the other, though they did include Obama's picture, but about the implementation and quality of our democracy. 

One not-so-serious:

I couldn't get my camera to focus, but what you are seeing are Obamapops, lollypops with Obama's picture, including a tasty, good-for-ten-seconds gum and a whistle in the handle. Rumor has it there are Obama Cigarettes as well.


  1. i wish we had obamapops. of course i haven't gone looking for them either. i doubt anyone would have made romneypops if there had been a different election outcome.

    also, zach, how is your ankle?!

    1. Yeah, Romneypops don't quite have the same ring to it.

      The ankle is still bad. It crinkles when I move weird, is still very still, and is especially unwieldy in the morning. Overall grade: D-
