Saturday, December 1, 2012

Well, that's bloggable

Often we find ourselves witnessing things here that prompt a "Well, that's bloggable." Unfortunately we usually don't have the trigger finger ready for a photo and, unless it's written down, the occurance is filed away and forgotten. Well, here's one of those things:

On our drive home from Blantyre yesterday we stopped at a gas station. The purchasing limit? Five liters. For those of you ignorant American yahoos, that's just over a gallon. If that were America, on Civil War weekend between Oregon and Oregon State, Duck fans on empty could have made it up to Corvallis, but would have been stuck in town after the victory, cheering up despondent Beaver fans.


  1. Zach - The Civil War was in Corvallis this year. Do you know ANYTHING!!!

    1. Oh, dear brother, you have difficulties in reading comprehension.
