Monday, October 22, 2012


Bay says hello from his spot under the desk, squished between Zach's knees and the wall.

The dog gets a lot of attention. He gets a lot of time walking out in the neighborhood with Zach, too. This is the view down our drive way at the beginning of one of those walks.

One of my favorite things in Malawi is when I spot a Malawian staff member walking their expat employer's pet dog. Without fail the Malawian is acting like it is the most boring thing they have ever participated in and paying zero attention to the animal at the end of the leash. That makes sense since dogs here are definitely NOT seen as pets. This pet/Malawian couple are a pair we come across quite often in our neighborhood. This time he was texting on his cell phone while taking one step every ten seconds. The dog, who is quite fat, seemed pretty happy with the pace.


  1. Does that expat's dog have a retractable leash as well??

    1. I can only imagine! Frida looks rather dissatisfied with life every time I reach for the non-retractable leash...
