Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Petrol Line Liveblogging 3!

I understand you all are thrilled to have "Petrol Line Liveblogging" and, thus, are not questioning the reason for the line. Instead you are probably applauding: It's providing reading entertainment! However, as promised, an explanation to the best of my ability, as to why this line exists. Brought to you in bullet form:
  • The former president, as noted here, pegged the Malawian kwacha to the American dollar. Because it was not valued correctly, no one wanted the kwacha and international trade ground to a halt. The kwacha is still overvalued and the effects linger.
  • Oil is bought and sold on the international market with American dollars. Without access to American dollars, Malawi cannot purchase oil.
  • The government sets the price of oil. Because there is always a shortage (demand outstrips supply), it is clear that that price is set too low. Therefore, the price mechanism as a regulator of consumption does not exist.
  • What is that price? $10/gallon. Soon to be $13.
  • Why not introduce competition and let prices float? The only answer I get is that the owners of the petrol companies (many of whom are politicians) all know each other and would fix prices, thus creating a trust. With many of those owners being politicians, there would be no political will to break up the trust.
I can feel the agitation and anxiety building within me as this petrol experience continues. All components are a nightmare and a fix is not on the horizon.


  1. I keep trying to comment...but this stupid thing thinks I am a robot...Technology!

    1) the queues in London are INSANE people cue for the tube down at canary wharf and I take pictures of it because it seems so intense!

    2) London is awake...and home sick with the flu :( so keep the posts coming!

    1. A robot! Well, you are living in Britain, it just doesn't know you're a free-thinking American... zing British! Keep trying, love me the comments.

      1. Give me an insane queue any day over line cutting.

      2. You need Theraflu! If you don't have any, I'll drop some in the mail tomorrow and you'll get it... in November.
