Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Beginning of the Rainy Season?

Up until Wednesday it was pretty hot around here. Temperatures in the mid to high nineties during the day feel like 100 in the direct sun. But on Wednesday the skies got a little cloudy and the handy dandy farm scene to your right started showing rain. I scoffed because its way too early (I thought) for the rain to begin. Last year it didn't come until December and normal timing is mid-November. But that night we got some legitimate rain for an hour or so and Thursday the skies were cloudy the entire day. Temperatures have been in the 80s for the past few days. Does this mean the rainy season is pending? I hope so - the break in temperature is a relief. It makes for a good night of sleep.

In other new our dog is itching himself to death. I'm 99% sure it isn't due to fleas so we're on a mission to find out what might be causing it. Allergies? Mange? He's losing patches of hair so hopefully we'll figure it out soon! That's a picture of him looking sad and itchy up there.


  1. Just added a bookmark for Grandma. She really likes your emails so I know she will love to hear about your lives in Malawi.

  2. Just added a bookmark for Grandma. She really likes your emails so I know she will love to hear about your lives in Malawi.
