Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Petrol Line Liveblogging 4!

And it's over folks. Six hours, a full take of gas (52 liters), lots of cussing, poop in the back of the car, and $95 dollars later, and Petrol Line Liveblogging is finished. Ironically enough, posting was not  more frequent because the internet went out. Ahhh, Malawi.

On the glass half full front, it is actually a good thing the internet went out when it did. I was witnessing the most imense line-cutting fiasco since Central Elementary was serving the biggest cinnamon rolls and chili in town. My fingers were itching to report and my mind was composing the most damning tirade against the Malawian sense of justice (or lack thereof) and their undermining of all sense of community and trust. It was chalk full of many things not fit to print and would have put to shame AI's "Ya'll talkin' about practice", Gundy's "I'm a man!", and Kramer's racist rant. It was laced with bombast and fury, confusion and utter incredulity and... was not composed nor published for want of an internet connection.


  1. I'm glad the petrol live-blogging is over. I was getting anxiety just reading it so I couldn't imagine living it. This post did serve a greater purpose--no longer will I complain about getting out to pump gas that is ready and waiting.

    PS--I HATE line cutters. Probably tops on my list of pet peeves. I probably would have killed someone. Kudos to your for having self-restraint.

    1. There was long debate last night between me and roommates about what to do. I decided the right course of action was vigilante justice: Show up with a knife and if someone starts to cut in line, ask them to go to the end of the line or their tires would be slashed. Thoughts?

    2. It's most certainly what I would do. You'll have to come up with a decent vigilante name before then though...

  2. I agree with Keough...i would have killed somebody or at the very least would have made a complete ass out of myself standing on the hood of my car cursing at the world.

    1. Standing on the hood cursing... I like where that is going.

  3. it happens in the united states with some regularity on the interstate, when you are approaching an exit where the line has backed up cause there's so many people exiting there and/or a stoplight at the end of the exit ramp or something. (i'm thinking I-5 wilsonville, or the sunset exit off I-405). it even happened to us in san francisco - well, trying to get into san francisco across the bay bridge.

    i call it, "the chump line" because, when i see a sign that says "exit only" or "cash this line" or "lane ends merge" i get over. and then stop. and stay stopped a long time, as people are whizzing by my on the outside lane.

    and what do you know? they're speeding by and cutting in WAAAAAAY in front of me, because their time is WAY more precious than mine. and because people let them get away with it. and that makes the long line slower.

    in general, people have no sense of what is important to others; only what is important to themselves. me me me, it's all about me.

    another time line cutting irks me: buncha hot girls who want to get into a club? show a little more skin, cut the line, woo the bouncer, walk right in. the rest of us will stand out in the east coast winter and freeze our butts off. it's cool.

    seems to me there was a gas shortage in 1973 or something. i wasn't there, but i remember hearing stories about people who had to wait in long, long lines to get gas that was expensive. and sometimes the gas stations ran out.
